Friday 19 October 2012


I will be using a wooded area in my piece because of the time of year in which it is set. I could have used the beach but due to the popularity of beaches through the year I decided against this.
Currently I am trying to figure out which of two locations to use. I would need to visit them in order to find out how well they are lit as well as how easy they are to access.
I chose to use a woodland area because of how isolated it could look as well as how easy it would be for my cast to access it.
This is Bacton Wood. It is nearby but it is quite popular so I would have to be careful with sounds and people getting in the shots. This weekend I will be visiting the location to figure out just how popular the area is and to find a specific location within.

The other location which I could use would be this area; this is a more dynamic area because it is closer to my house, as well as there being two different areas of woodland to film in. Despite there being a road through it, it is not quite so popular due to it leading to a small hamlet, so it could be good for filming at popular times of day.

I visited another location this weekend, called "Sadler's Woods" which is slightly closer to my house. It does not show up clearly on Google Maps, unlike the others. Here is an image of the exact location which I wish to film in.
It is relatively flat, and due to the sparse covering of leaves, it should be relatively easy to film on even if it is mildly damp. The branches frame the area well and it is well lit.
I will be using this place as my final choice to film in.

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