Wednesday 10 October 2012

Thriller movie plot ideas

1) Essentially a cult. The opening scene would be a little reminiscent of Se7en but obviously not following the same pattern of plotting a murder. For instance there could be shots of scriptures, idols, costume,  drawings, photographs. This would call for a variety of different shots, many props and eerie music. The main idea would be of people being affected or recruited by the cult - for instance a sacrifice or new recruit would have many photos of them in the sequence.
2)  Based extremely loosely about a nerve wracking situation I myself have been in. There would be a family coming to collect an exchange student from the airport in the beginning. In the morning they would go out early - the host child would have a knife on her. When the exchange student asks what it is for, she laughs. Then they drive for a while, then come to an abandoned garage where they take out barbecue equipment and knives. There would then be a long drive into the countryside, into an isolated place, where there would be lots of derelict stables etc. There would be a lot of tension in this short scene.

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