Wednesday 24 October 2012

Thriller Movie Title Deliberation

The title of a thriller film is very important when people are choosing whether or not to watch it, and hence I am wanting to find one that is appealing.

My choices currently are:

  • Aaron
  • Leviticus
  • Unclean
They all consist of one word because this is a common theme I have seen throughout my research - a lot of thriller films and shows have a title like this (Dexter, Se7en, Insomnia, Chatroom, Alien etc)

I came up with this title first, and this is mainly because it is the name of the main male character, and the antagonist of the film. 
It is a biblical name, and comes up frequently in the bible chapter Leviticus. I think that this would be an appropriate name, as in the chapter, God is telling Moses different kinds of things which his brother, Aaron, needs to do in order to not be unclean.
The character in my film has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and he believes that in order to ensure that he is "clean", he must rid himself of unclean things that are around him.
It is a simple name but I think in the context of the film it could work and it's simplicity results in intrigue.

I like this title although it makes me think of the film Invictus when I hear it, which it bears no reference to. I think this similarity could be a disadvantage. I of course have to assume that this film is going to be a success and hence this would not be a good idea. It is hugely relevant to the film as the entire bases of the murders is the list of behaviours listed in the chapter.
I think the main issue with naming my film this is that I do not want to offend anybody. Calling it this makes it more controversial and this could result in me losing a massive contingent of my audience.

Although this title is only one word, there is an existing film called "The Unclean" which is far too similar for my liking. 
I like the idea behind this title as it symbolises exactly what the antagonist fears, but in a relatively ambiguous way. 

In conclusion, I am going to call my film "Aaron", as it is a title that has the fewest connotations with other films and negative things, as well as being simple with enough hidden meaning for it to come across as ambiguous and interesting.

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