Thursday 25 October 2012

Soundtrack Choices

In this video I have included 30 second snippets of the tracks which I am considering for my piece.
They are both copyright free and come from the website
I will analyse both of them in order to ensure that I have the most suitable one.
Final Sacrifice, Dark Dimensions 
This piece is 2:53 long and it is quite ambient. I enjoy it, because of it's mysterious nature. It falls under the category of being "eerie and ethereal" which I believe suits it well. It has a lot of depth, what with the variety of instruments and the way in which there are various stages throughout the music.
It is longer than I could possibly need it  but I think as long as I broke it off in an appropriate part, this could help to build tension.
It also reminds me vaguely of the music for the closing credits of "Dexter" (Blood, Daniel Licht), which I find to be very fitting for the thriller genre.
I think this track would be good for my piece because of it's melancholy and rather sad nature. It embodies what I want the film to, and hence I think it would be a wise choice. The various aspects of the music means that it would be easy for me to do jump cuts as intended, because there are depressions in the tone of the music throughout.

Small Blind, Evil Intentions
This piece is far shorter than the other at 1:06 but I could potentially edit it to make it a little longer during the climatic part. It loops in a manner which is rather unnoticeable, and would be improved if I decided to take a little bit off the end or beginning in order to make it flow a little better.
It has a very slow opening, which becomes more intense in certain parts throughout the track.
It is not as dramatic as the other piece which could lead to it either being ignored, or improving the entire piece due to it's muted nature.

In conclusion I think I will use the first track, Final Sacrifice. It is my personal preference and it's length means that it will be easy to incorporate. It sounds mildly dangerous and this is the kind of tone I want to put across in my piece.

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