Wednesday 10 October 2012

Thriller Movie Titles

American Psycho

This title is pretty self explanatory and as a result it mainly gives away the plot. The main character of this film is a "psycho" and evidently an "American" as well. This title works well because the normal connotations when someone refers to being American is freedom, and is generally a rather wholesome image. However, the addition of psycho shows a different side of this. This implies that there is a darker side to this American, and due to this side being psychotic, it is not a familiar one.
The title is interesting because it is partially obscured, which yet again shows a darker side to something. It is also white, which relates to Nickel's theory on black and white hats. It does this through half of the title being stark white, and the other half being totally black.This shows the image which people want to see, a good, well-meaning person, as well as the one he refuses to let people see, which has been obscured to the point of not being visible at all. However, the fact there is a grey area shows that there is a blurred area, where he exposes himself to a few people. There is a great contrast between the white area and this grey area.
The writing is in Times New Roman which is quite a classic font, which suggests that to the unknowing eye, he looks rather classy, but nothing different to usual.

Fight Club

This title is different to the other one because the way that it is has been portrayed is much less obvious and initially, as a viewer, we wonder why it is that the words have been carved out of soap, and to add to that, pink soap.
One lead character in the film is a soap manufacturer and he also creates the fight club, which makes this make a little more sense. The letters are bold, capitalised and sans-serif which makes them look very neat and also reminiscent of an action movie. The way in which the "U" and "B" are connected is quite unusual as this is not something which the rest of the font follows. This shows a nonconformity and a breaking of the rules - most other letters are apart. Also, the letters joined together look a little confusing and also look almost unrecognisable as what they are meant to be. This is a theme strongly explored in the film.
The title of Fight Club is not an ambiguous one, and it sounds like what it is. The fight club in the movie is literally an underground club where men come to fight one another. The use of club makes them sound unified somehow, and almost as though the fighting has a purpose, much like a knitting club or a book club.

1 comment:

  1. Some great interpretation of these two titles, Chloe. It will be useful to consider similar aspects when deciding on your own thriller title.
